
markdown to html tool to make blogging simple

Github, npm, etc...

Markwell is a package that takes Markdown with frontmatter and stores it in memory using Sqlite.

Flexible, fast, and ergonomic

Full text search out of the box

Code highlighting and hot reload

Quick Start

Create an instance of Markwell somewhere on your backend and then import it whenever you start up your server.

// $lib/server/markwell.js
import Markwell from 'markwell';

const blog = new Markwell({
    // Markwell uses globs to resolve filepaths
	mdPath: './posts/**/*.md'

// auto reload changes into db;

export default blog;


// src/hooks.server.js
import blog from '$lib/server/markwell.js'

// access the sqlite database directly at any time!
blog.db.prepare('SELECT * FROM posts');

Blogging Made Simple

Markwell takes care of all of the annoying parts of setting up a blog without taking away the fun parts.

  • How do you want to handle page routing?

Up to you!

  • What about organizing blog post files?

Whatever you want!

  • Styling?

Use anything!

  • Mixing markdown and html content???

This page is doing it right now!